Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Earth Day 2014

Scanning today's news, there's virtually no mention of today being Earth Day.  Not the New York Times, not the formerly great Washington Post Bezos Bugle.  Nada.  The relentless climate change denialism from the fossil fuel empire and the right-wing have seemed to dilute what used to be a significant day of action and (as they used to say) consciousness raising.  For example, you have idiotic measures like the one in red state Oklahoma that would charge a fee for anyone installing solar panels.  Gotta make solar energy less competitive, so that we can continue to dole out oil depletion allowances.

When the Earth's carbon dioxide level has reached the highest level in millions of years,  it's not a coincidence, despite deniers' attempts to de-link human activity from the greenhouse effect.  But when well-financed entities insist on endlessly "debating" a scientifically settled issue, stalling so that their profits can be gained well into the future, the smog over Earth Day won't go away anytime soon.

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