Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Coming Back To Bite Them

From the early days of the Affordable Care Act, the right-wing has been furiously and serially lying about the health insurance reform legislation.  "Death panels," "socialized medicine," and "you won't have a choice," were some of the standard falsehoods.  Of course, the village media largely failed to correct the record, preferring to keep score as to who "won" the "debate."

Now, with the ACA exceeding enrollment goals and gaining popularity as more people sign up, the Dems are on the offensive for a change in several election contests, where "Obamacare" is not proving to be the wedge issue the Rethuglicans had hoped.  Senate Minority Leader and human / turtle hybrid Mitch "Missy" McConnell was just lambasted for dishonestly claiming he would repeal "Obamacare" while at the same time preserving the highly popular state exchange, Kynect, which was formed under the ACA.  Thankfully, Dem candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes was quick to slam Missy's deceit, as was the Lexington Herald-Leader, one of Kentucky's major newspapers.

The dishonest campaign to torpedo the ACA seems to be coming back to bite many Rethug politicians. Sadly for them, getting bitten in the ass isn't covered under the ACA.

BONUS:  This Hackwhacker can personally attest to the turning of the worm on Obamacare.  I heard a radio ad for Democratic congressional candidate Don Beyer today, who's running in the 8th District in Virginia (admittedly a safe Democratic seat in recent years).  Playing a clip of President Obama saying the debate on the ACA was over, Beyer promised to defend Obamacare.  Oh, he also referred to himself as a "progressive."

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