Monday, May 5, 2014

Confronting Sovereign Citizens And Right-Wing Libertarians

From the banal in Keene, New Hampshire --
The activists selected this New England-cute city of 24,000 for liberation mostly because it lies within that flinty bastion of Yankee individualism known as New Hampshire, where “Live Free or Die” is carved into the collective granite.
Back in 2003, a libertarian-leaning group called the Free State Project decided that this small state could be a liberty lover’s paradise if enough like-minded people settled here. (The movement, by the way, tends to attract white males, according to Carla Gericke, the group’s president, a white South African who has lived for many years in this country. “I’m the token African-American,” she joked.)   (Ed.:  Yuk-yuk.)  (our emphasis)
And just who are these freedumb fighters "activists" saving us from?
They are part of a broader effort by about two-dozen activists, most of them from someplace else, to unshackle Keene from the “violent monopoly” of government and its enforcers, including these parking officers who work in weather fair and foul. (our emphasis)
Gotta watch out for those violent meter maids!  How nuts do you have to be to see this as "liberty loving?"

To the  fatal in Tanana, Alaska --
A sovereign citizen shot and killed two Alaska state troopers last week during an argument over a $150 couch, authorities said. 
Nathanial Kangas is accused of killing Trooper Sgt. Patrick “Scott” Johnson and Trooper Gabriel Rich as they attempted to arrest the suspect’s father. 
A mother and daughter called Tanana village police Wednesday night because they feared 58-yer-old Arvin Kangas would break into their home and steal a sofa he had sold them.

The elder Kangas told a village public safety officer that he had no jurisdiction to arrest him, and the officer called state police for backup after he said the older man made threats against him with a shotgun.  (our emphasis)
The common thread here is that civil authority and domestic peace is increasingly being threatened, sometimes with deadly consequences, by groups of far-right extremists calling themselves "sovereign citizens" or "libertarians."  As we saw with the Cliven "Hoof" Bundy carnival, it doesn't take much for these freedumb fighters shitwits to grab their guns and claim that they're not answerable to the law.

This has been brewing for some time, but the advent of America's first African-American president led to an explosion in the growth of the sovereign citizen/ nullifier/ secessionist/ militia movement.  At some point, just as George Washington had to put down the Whiskey Rebellion, governments at all levels will have to confront these "domestic terrorists" (h/t Harry Reid).  Sooner is probably better than later.

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