Thursday, May 8, 2014

Domestic Terrorists Make New Threats

Nevada's deadbeat, racist rancher Cliven "Hoof" Bundy has surrounded himself with a posse of delusional, heavily armed Timothy McVeigh wannabes who imagine that they're in some cosmic, superhero style battle against the gummint Death Star (i.e., the Bureau of Land Management).  So far, these cases of arrested development have set up "checkpoints" in the vicinity of the Bundy compound, harassing some residents of Bunkerville, NV by demanding to see "identification."  Now, it appears, the infection has spread.

On Tuesday, two of the loons made threats against a BLM worker driving on Interstate 15 in Utah, wearing hoods and holding a sign saying "You need to die."  Cliven Hoof has been observed inciting violence against the BLM  to the self-appointed "militia" radicals from the region.  The Utah Highway Patrol is investigating the incident, which will be difficult due to the hoods worn by the cowards and by the duct tape covering their license plates.

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