Friday, May 30, 2014

From The Sports Desk...

Item #1:  The PR department of Washington's football team thought it would be a clever idea to troll team critic Sen. Harry Reid by asking their fans to tweet their support of the team's racist name to his account.  It bombed spectacularly, as a large majority took the opportunity to criticize the team's ownership for resisting a name change (btw, ask yourself whether you would call a Native American a "redskin" to his or her face.  Right, enough said).  Any more bright ideas, Li'l Danny Snyder?

Item #2:  The NBA Clippers have apparently found a new sucker owner:  Steve "Gimme The" Ballmer, who paid an incredible $2 billion for a team that only recently had a projected value of $750 - $850 million tops.  The estranged (and soon to be divorced) wife of racist owner Donald Sterling, acting for the Sterling family trust, ok'ed the Clippers' sale to the former Microsoft executive.  Suffice it to say that Gimme The Ballmer was…er…Clipped.

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