Saturday, June 21, 2014

Confidence Men

We're sure that Wisconsin's skeevy Koch-head Governor Scott "Beam Me Up Scotty" Walker took comfort in the testimonial offered yesterday by that sterling judge of character and the head of New Jersey's Rethug crime family Gov. Chris "Krispykreme" Christie, who said he had "complete faith and confidence" in Walker's integrity.  (Momentary pause to savor the irony, and to laugh out loud).

These two would make an interesting Rethuglican ticket in 2016, assuming they don't wind up in the slammer before then.  Walker, accused of heading a "criminal  scheme" in violating campaign laws with Koch-backed groups and others, and Christie, facing mounting interest from Federal prosecutors looking into diversion of Hurricane Sandy funds and potential Hobbs Act violations,  would be a ticket made in Federal Court.

(photo:  The Tacky Ticket)

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