Monday, June 16, 2014

He's Lying When His Lips Are Moving

Rethuglican National Committee chair and human / weasel hybrid Reince "Prepuce" Priebus has a way of lying and snarling at the same time.  In that respect -- and many others -- he is the perfect face of his party.  On CBS' "Face The Schieffer" yesterday, Prepuce looked the host in the eye and claimed there was no rift in his dysfunctional party:
"BOB SCHIEFFER: Thank you very much. Eric Cantor got beat. Lindsey Graham won. How divided is the Republican Party right now?

REINCE PRIEBUS: Yeah, I don't think it's divided at all ..."
This certainly won't inspire confidence in Prepuce's or his party's grip on reality with, say, either the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other Big Bidness supporters of immigration reform (cough minimum wage workers) or the teatards opposing any reform at all.   And look at the petty infighting that was going on as Prepuce dissembled.  Teatard hate radio hack and Coulter knock-off Laura Ingraham exchanged jabs with Eric Cantor, with Ingraham suggesting that Cantor should have been traded to the Taliban for Sgt. Bergdahl.  Then there was Idaho's Rep. Raul "The Retriever" Labrador abruptly adjourning the Idaho Rethug Party convention amid acrimony between right-wing factions.  Every day brings more evidence of turmoil in the Rethug / New Confederate / Stupid Party, which just means that Prepuce will have to turn up the dial on his lying from "red hot" to "white hot."

(photo:  "I always tell the truth.")

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