Wednesday, June 11, 2014

It's Why We Call Them Rethuglicans, Homophobe Edition

Most Rethuglicans have a mute button when it comes to marriage equality / LGBT issues, since they understand that overt expressions of utter malice won't sit well with a growing majority of Americans.  There are, however, always some exceptions.  Case in point:  Scott "Ick" Esk, a Rethuglican candidate for state representative in red state Oklahoma.  Ick has been posting homicidal musings on his Facebook page which indicate his support for stoning gays to death, if local voters are cool with that, because, you know, the Old Testament.  This is the Bible Belt, after all, where Taliban values merge with Rethuglican social policy.

Whether Ick's prescription for "The Gay" will sell with voters in Oklahoma remains to be seen;  less predictable things have happened (see Cantor, Eric).  He's the kind of loon who gets caught with a blow-up sex toy in a public restroom, while running a campaign touting his Christian fundamentalism.  Here's hoping.

BONUS:  Here's Esk's picture.  He looks like a genius, doesn't he?

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