Friday, June 20, 2014

Why We Love Elizabeth Warren, Cont'd.

"I grew up in a America that said, we collectively, all of us, are going to make those investments in education so that any kid, who works hard, who plays the rules, who tries to get out there and make something of herself, is going to have a fighting chance to make that happen...It changed in the 1980′s when the Republicans came up with a different vision.  They said, ‘Eh, that’s not how you build an economy. The way you build an economy is you let those at the very top, the richest and the most powerful, keep more of their money and more of their power, and somehow it’s going to trickle down for everybody else.  Well we tried that, for more than thirty years and it really hasn’t worked. It has cut the legs out from under America’s middle class.” -- Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) on MSNBC's "Hardball" last night.

There aren't many progressive voices out there that can capture the contrast in visions between the Democratic Party and the Rethuglican / Teabagger Party in a clearer and more compelling way than Sen. Warren.  The Rethugs continue to be in denial about the failure of "supply side" economics to produce economic growth (except in the net worth of plutocrats), much like they're in denial about the Iraq fiasco that they set in motion.


  1. Wow, That's Terrific - Chris Matthews has really lost the plot! Where has he been for the entire Obama administration? I love my senator! P.E.C.

  2. Matthews is wrapped up in himself, and regularly tells people how much he knows politics. His show is watchable when exceptional people like Sen. Warren are guests, as long as he lets them talk -- which he rarely does.

    Thanks, P.E.C.!
