Thursday, July 24, 2014

Department of Psychological Projection

Sadly, Arizona Sen. and bitter old dude John "McNasty" McCain can't help himself.  His barely concealed fury over losing the Presidential race in 2008 to President Obama is clearly gnawing at his shriveled soul.  No doubt that after being skunked by Dumbya in the 2000 Rethuglican primaries, McNasty felt it was his turn to be President the next go 'round, dammit.

Now, McNasty's kvetching that the President is full of "self-pity" and won't invite him and his band of vandals to the White House so that they can demean him meet over tea and crumpets.  From the moment he was defeated, McNasty decided to undermine the man that kicked his ass in the election. (See, America?  You could have elected me!) Whether appearing on Sunday gabfests countless times, or in front of microphones he eagerly seeks out, McNasty has rarely if ever uttered a word of support for any action or policy advanced by Obama, even if it was something he previously supported.

McNasty's projecting his own self-pity on the President over his defeat five-and-a-half years ago, and every day he looks more and more like the sore loser that he is.

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