Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Fool Me Once….

We've been seeing a proliferation of neocons coming out of the woodwork and cynically opining on the difficult situation in Iraq, for which they bear primary responsibility.  Sadly, our broken media has largely given them the "expert" treatment, with a few notable exceptions.  It appears that as long as you're welcomed at the cocktail parties of the Beltway Villagers, you're welcomed in the TV green rooms and on the editorial pages, regardless of how abysmally wrong you've been.  (Of course, many of those Beltway Villagers served as the neocons' cheerleading squad in the run up to the war).

One of the most sinister and deceitful neocon facilitators was one Ahmed Chalabi, who was responsible for concocting much of the false "weapons of mass destruction" claims that gave the neocons running Dumbya's administration cover to invade a country that wasn't involved in the 9-11 attack on the U.S.  Now, as Steve Benen notes, the neocons are pushing their hack to replace current Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.  Of course, this isn't the first time they've tried to install their client in Iraq:  in 2007, he was being groomed by the neocons to step into the power vacuum after Saddam Hussein's fall, despite the fact that his bogus "intelligence" about WMDs and Iraq's non-existent ties to al Qaeda were fresh in everyone's minds.

Dumbya was roundly ridiculed for botching the "fool me once, shame on you…" warning.  It seems that the neocon clique thinks Americans can be fooled by Chalabi again.  So far, it seems to be working for them.

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