Friday, July 18, 2014

From The Dark Corners of The Right

It's known that the downed Malaysian Airlines plane was carrying roughly 100 researchers that were studying HIV and planning to attend an international conference in Australia.  One of the researchers, Dr. Joep Lange, was a very prominent researcher who had devoted his life to finding a cure for HIV/AIDS.  It drove the right wing crazy when the President made note of the researchers' deaths in his remarks this morning.  Some of the most despicable, callous comments came from the usual suspects on the right, and Salon's captured them so we don't have to.  Here's one of the most despicable ones from someone who portrays himself as a "Christian," but is anything but:

Two hundred ninety-eight innocent people died, and this wretched excuse for a human being makes it about his gayphobia.  What a dirtbag. We'll say it again, what a dirtbag.

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