Monday, July 14, 2014

Perry vs. Paul, Round Two

Prospective Republican presidential candidates (must control glee) Gov. Rick "Oops" Perry (Secessionist-TX) and Sen. "Ayn" Rand Paul (Galt-TN) are engaging in a nasty back- and- forth (froth?) over a topic neither of them knows squat about: foreign policy.  After Oops' aide wrote an op/ed for him in the once great Washington Post Bezos Bugle the other day, we were all waiting for Ayn to, um, parry.  Well, wait no longer!
There are many things I like about Texas Gov. Rick Perry, including his stance on the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution. ["Powers retained by the states and the people"-  segregation states rights!]  But apparently his new glasses haven’t altered his perception of the world, or allowed him to see it any more clearly. 
There are obviously many important events going on in the world right now, but with 60,000 foreign children streaming across the Texas border, I am surprised Governor Perry has apparently still found time to mischaracterize and attack my foreign policy. 
Governor Perry writes a fictionalized account of my foreign policy so mischaracterizing my views that I wonder if he’s even really read any of my policy papers.
Nice zingers, Ayn (or whoever wrote your response for you)!

The schism between the isolationist/Fortress America wing of the party (Paul) and the neo-conservative /Dick Cheney wing (Perry) is only one of the fracture lines in the Republican/ New Confederate/ Stupid Party;  burn it down teabaggers (see post below) vs. country club establishment being another easily identifiable one.  Right-wingers would not hesitate for an instant to exploit differences in the Democratic Party, and Democrats should not shy away from returning the favor for Republicans.  It's not hard ball, it's smart ball.  Let's see if we can play it.

BONUS:  Gov. Oops did make that all-important photo op visit to the border (along with Fux News meathead Sean "Heil" Hannity).  Headline at Borowitz Report:   SIGHT OF RICK PERRY AT BORDER CONVINCES IMMIGRANTS THAT ANYONE CAN SUCCEED IN AMERICA.

(Image:  Paul and Perry - they pledge allegiance to the flag...)

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