Monday, July 14, 2014

Teabagger Godfather Smacked

Within a month after President Obama was inaugurated, the far right mounted an assault on his Presidency with the phony "grass roots" Tea Party movement, ostensibly based on out-of-control Federal spending and other things #cough# first black President #cough#.  One of the instigators of the teabagger movement was CNBC angry loudmouth Rick "Call Me A Dick" Santelli, who called for a "tea party" in his home base of Chicago in February 2009 to protest spending.

Today, he got some comeuppance when he appeared on CNBC and loudly tried to claim he was right all along about monetary issues.  CNBC's panel was having none of Santelli's nonsense, including Steve Liesman who tore into him:
"Every single bit of advice you gave would have lost people money, Rick… There is no piece of advice that you’ve given that’s worked, Rick. Not a single one… The higher interest rates never came. The inability of the U.S. to sell bonds never happened. The dollar never crashed, Rick. There isn’t a single one that’s worked for you." (emphasis added)
So often, as in the case of neocons and the disastrous Iraq war, right wingers aren't held to public account for their screw ups.  It's nice to see a thoroughly nasty winger confronted with his incompetence.

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