The 2012 Presidential election wasn't that long ago, and yet some deep thinkers among the Rethuglican / New Confederate / Stupid Party have forgotten the unMITTigated clusterf*ck that was the campaign of one Willard "Corporations Are People" Romney. From offshore accounts, to car elevators, to his infamous disdain for 47% of the American people, Willard shot himself in the foot so many times, he was given a lifetime achievement award from the NRA. There's a "" website that is signing up those with a short-term memory (and former campaign workers and contributors) to encourage the Mittster to run in 2016. Former Bushie anonymous apparatchik Emil Henry wrote an article this week in the Beltway fan site PoliticHo with the unintentionally hilarious title, "The Case for Mitt Romney in 2016. I'm Absolutely Serious." Henry's argument was that Willard's losses (including the 2008 Rethug nomination and the 2012 election) don't count because Willard's not a "career politician." Here's some of tBogg's take on that argument (headlined "Mitt Romney is tan, rested, and ready to lose again, so let’s do this thing"):
"So while it is true that he is not a 'career politician,' that might have something to do with the fact that people who vote cooperated and kept him that way by giving him a helping hand.Ah, we love the smell of desperation in the morning….
With one finger extended.
So, yeah, he’s your guy. His record speaks for itself and he’s totally due so you guys should do this thing.
After the last two elections, we expect nothing less." (emphasis added)
(photo: Willard practices the human gesture for "I'm a strong man.")
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