Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Today's Dispatches From The Stupid Party - Distaff Edition, Cont.

Sorry to pick on the ladies again, but when you're in the Republican/ New Confederate/ Stupid party, it comes with the territory.

We'll start in Mississippi, where the finance director for the late, unlamented campaign of failed Senate candidate Chris McDaniel has updated "the- dog- ate- my- homework" excuse for today's market:
Chris McDaniel's campaign manager, state Sen. Melanie Sojourner (R), is blaming an EF-2 tornado for why she had not filed a campaign finance report before a Jan. 31 deadline. 
"I lost the overwhelming majority of my paperwork, bank statements, records, you name it," Sojourner said in reference to a tornado that touched down in the Kingston, Mississippi region, according to the Natchez Democrat. "I even filed for an extension on my taxes for the first time ever, because I just don't have a lot of that information." 
Sojourner said her home office was damaged because of the tornado and that she told the Mississippi secretary of State's office some of that.  (our emphasis)
A tornado, huh?  How conveeeenient!  She might want to check to see if any of her stuff landed on the Wicked Witch of the East.

In Louisiana, Republican Gov. Bobby "Kenneth" Jindal  (progenitor of "Stupid Party") is proposing to end the State's participation in the Common Core educational standards;  they wouldn't have helped this lady out anyway:
 A Republican congressional candidate fled her interview with a major election-forecasting group after being asked why she believed global warming was a hoax and whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States, according to a new report in The Washington Post. 
In the Post, David Wasserman, the House editor at the Cook Political Report, detailed his strange encounter with the "frightening" and "fact-averse" Louisiana State Rep. Lenar Whitney.
Maybe she heard a tornado approaching.

The only people more stupid than these are the ones who elect them.

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