Saturday, August 30, 2014

30 Vs. 1 Million

As their anti-"Obamacare" ship slowly sinks beneath the waves, Republicans have tried all manner of diversions and schemes to deny uninsured Americans affordable health care.  In Florida, where a Rethuglican Governor and state legislature are in control, they came up with an "alternative" to the Federal "", but that provided only limited services, and none of the protections of the Affordable Care Act.  So how's that working out?  Not so good: a grand total of 30 people have signed up for the Republican alternative (that's not a typo;  it's actually 30).  By contrast, nearly 1 million Floridians have been able to obtain affordable private sector insurance through "Obamacare."  There would be even wider coverage if the Governor and state legislature hadn't blocked additional Medicaid funds under "Obamacare."

Adding to this political pratfall  is the fact that the "alternative" was championed by none other that Florida's teabagger Sen. Marco "Glug Glug" Rubio, erstwhile candidate for the Rethuglican Presidential nomination, to the tune of $1.8 million in Florida taxpayer money.  Perhaps they should call the failed Florida experiment "Rubio(doesn't)Care." (Musical accompaniment)

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