Friday, August 1, 2014

Carry Me Back To Old Virginny….

…. for a couple of news items concerning the Commonwealth:

1)  Former Virginia Gov. and helmet hair icon Bob "Blowdry Bob" McDonnell heard testimony from his erstwhile gift horse, "health" pill bidnizzman Jonnie Williams, that the extreme gift-giving to the Governor and his wife "More More" Maureen McDonnell was all about advancing his business, and not the result of a flirtatious affair with More More Maureen.  That sticks a pin in the couple's defense that this wasn't about influence peddling, but about something more personal.  Tee hee.

2)  Soon-to-be-ex-Virginia Congressman and Rethug Majority Leader Eric "Cancer" Cantor (R - Tea Party Ate Me), who was defeated in a primary by an even more radical reactionary, announced he will resign from Congress on August 18, not completing his two year term.  Now he's free to join former half-term Alaska Gov. and full-time grifter Sarah "Winky" Palin to lecture the public on the "work ethic."

BONUS:  Petula Dvorak has a must-read article on the McDonnell trial.  Here's a sample:
All the lovesick melodrama about the first lady having a crush on Williams has probably been manufactured by the defense attorneys. Maybe they have some evidence to back up this story line. But when this scandal began, Bob and Maureen McDonnell showed up in court holding hands, presenting themselves as a solid, Christian couple. 
Now they are changing that narrative, walking in and out of court in separate entourages, riding different elevators, brushing past each other without even making eye contact. The staging borders on ridiculous. They are doing nothing more than selling Virginians another tale.
What pieces of work these McDonnells are.

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