Monday, August 4, 2014

CNN Doing the Tango With Dancin' Dave?

There are new reports that NBC's Press the Meat anchor and nasty neighbor David "Dancin' Dave" Gregory privately met with CNN to discuss opportunities there.  Press the Meat has steadily slipped in the ratings ever since Dancin' Dave took over the anchor position, finishing third behind ABC and CBS in the same time slot.  Naturally the talk of NBC canning the haughty anchor has increased in recent months.

Dancin' Dave is one of the key players of the "both sides are to blame" illness that permeates the Beltway media.  Just yesterday, he cast blame on Dems and Rethuglicans alike for gridlock and the breakdown over the child immigrant border situation, despite the fact that the House Rethug caucus rejected their own leadership's border bill in favor of a more radical alternative pushed by the most extreme members of the caucus.  

(photo:  Dancin' Dave, left, cutting the rug with Karl "Turdblossom" Rove)