Michael Tomasky on why he wouldn't be surprised if Republicans mount an impeachment effort after the November elections, even if they know they would not get the necessary votes to convict in the Senate:
... The question here is, what’s the point in their minds of impeaching him? If it is a rational point—to remove the high misdemeanant from office—then the above scenario holds water. But I think the point isn’t rational; it’s emotional. To punish him for daring to act like the president. Hoist that big historical asterisk skyward and place it next to his name. Try to ensure that future generations see his as a less-than-legitimate presidency. And, not least, get their right-wing kum-ba-yah-yah’s out, give the base a song they can really dance to. [snip]
I can hear the rationalistas: no way they’d do it. They’re too smart for that. They know it didn’t work last time. They’ll be too mindful that it might hurt them in 2016. I say nonsense to all that. They’ll do it because it’s who they are. They keep showing us who they are. Someday, Washington might actually believe them. (our emphasis)Tomasky addresses the problem with the Republican- wired Beltway media buying the Republican spin, people like Politic-hos' Mike "Payola" Allen, NBC's Chuck "Not My Job" Todd, and the
Come next February or so, let's see who's right about the intent of the Republican crazy caucus: the blinkered, Republican- wired Beltway political
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