Thursday, August 21, 2014

Paul Ryan's Most Pressing Issue: Cutting Taxes On The Wealthy

Ayn Rand admirer and soon-to-be-Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee (!) Rep. Paul "Lyin'" Ryan (Galt-WI) has told the right-wing rag the "Weekly Standard" that he thinks cutting the top marginal tax rate for wealthy Americans is an "even more pressing" need than it was in the reign of St. Ronnie of Hollywood, who cut it from 50 percent to 28 percent.

Because we don't have enough income inequality?  Or is this his way of addressing his "new focus" on poverty?

No, he's just showing his long-standing, true colors to his fan base of "Makers," whose philosophy of economic Darwinism drives their Republican Party's failed "trickle down" policies.  It's precisely the wrong formula for a healthy and prosperous middle class, which is the true driver of economic growth.