Saturday, August 16, 2014

Pic Of The Day

Ferguson, MO saw more disturbances last night, after Thursday's night of calm.  A group of looters were out and did some damage before larger groups of men doing the right thing (above) began to block entry to the stores so that the looting would stop.  Some of the men kept repeating, "Man, you're better than that," and "Who you out here for?  Better be Mike Brown."

Washington Monthly's Martin Longman (of BooMan Tribune) notes that the police were strangely passive in the face of the looting.  Looting can swiftly turn public opinion away from the underlying incident that caused the unrest, and away from the actions of the Ferguson and St. Louis County police departments.  As Longman says of the police, "It's as if looting serves their purposes."

(photo:  Men in Ferguson guard store to prevent looting, from Trymaine Lee Twitter page.)

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