Wednesday, August 27, 2014

This Is Your Politics On Koch

Dems have been attacking the negative influence of corporate money in politics for years, and with the shredding of campaign financing limits -- notoriously following the Citizens United court decision -- the problem is critical.  The infamous right-wing Koch brothers, whose father was a founder of the neo-fascist John Birch Society, operate behind front organizations to support Republican candidates who are committed to mindless polluter deregulation, doing away with the minimum wage (and unions), and eliminating the social safety net, while cutting taxes on the wealthiest Americans. (Caught on tape: hello, Republican Sen. Mitch "Missy" McConnell (Koch-KY)!)

Beltway media cynics -- including pay-to-play hack Mike Allen of "PoliticHo" -- are chuckling at the Dems' advertising campaign for the 2014 mid-term elections in which they identify the Koch brothers' attempts to buy policies favorable to them. But the same hacks in the media might want to take a second look after this story about several Rethug candidates for the Senate who showed up earlier this summer and lavished praise on the Koch front organization, "Americans for Prosperity," which plans to spend a staggering $125 million to support extreme right-wing candidates in 2014.  To think that these candidates, if elected, would turn their backs on their biggest benefactor is nonsense.  That's the danger to our democracy, and the winking and smirking of corrupted media hacks is a huge part of the problem.

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