Thursday, August 7, 2014

Voters Aren't Feeling Republicans

Lest the media narrative of "it's always bad news for Obama and the Democrats" be left unchallenged, there's the latest Wall Street Journal/ NBC News poll that demonstrates that, if the 2014 mid-terms weren't being largely contested (in the Senate races) in red States, or thanks to heavily gerrymandered House districts, the Republican/ New Confederate/ Stupid Party would be going the way of its ideological antecedent, the Know-Nothing Party.

(click to enlarge)

That's right.  You're seeing a 54% negative rating (a negative landslide, as it were) for Republicans in Congress, and just a 19% positive rating.  While ratings for Democrats in Congress and Obama are underwater, they're more in the wading pool area rather than in the deep end with the Republicans, and the negative/positive differential between the two parties is stark.

This is an easy chart to read.  Let's see how the media manages to misinterpret it, or skew it in the Republicans' favor.

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