Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Cantor Cashes His Chips

Former Republican House Majority Leader, and one who was hoisted on his own petard, Eric Cantor,  raised some Beltway eyebrows last month when he resigned from Congress with several months to go in his final term.  They assumed he'd cash in with K Street after his term was complete, but Cantor's itch for big money was overpowering.

Now, we see that Cantor's been promoted from a Wall Street employee who happened to be a Congressman, to a Wall Street executive.  It was a fitting reward to someone who was seen as a "bag man for Wall Street."  His avid support for the TARP bailout, his opposition to Dodd-Frank regulation of the investment banks, and his anti-labor positions made him popular among the financial industry's plutocrats.  The gullible tea baggers -- whom he had tried to ride to greater political heights -- finally caught on, and turned on him.  They saw in Cantor a practiced liar, who could look in the camera and swear that the Earth was flat.  He should be a good fit on Wall Street.

BONUS:  Headline at Borowitz Report: "Used Tool Purchased For $1.8 Million".  LOL.


  1. To quote Maya Angelou, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them; the first time." P.E.C.

  2. And he sure showed people who he was.
    Thanks, P.E.C.
