Monday, September 1, 2014

Labor Day, 2014, And A Party That Doesn't "Get It"

America's labor was the force that built up this country.  Through labor's efforts, we have the 40-hour week, child labor laws, collective bargaining, and the minimum wage and much more.  It's also worth remembering that labor was on the front lines of the 1960s civil rights movement.  As we celebrate Labor Day, and the people who "get it" (see post below), let's also remember those that are doing their best to roll back the hard-won gains for American workers (and all of us):  the Republican / New Confederate / Stupid Party.  On issues important to working families, the Rethugs have sided with their corporate contributors.  Raising the minimum wage: no.  Equal pay for women: no.  Paid family and sick leave: no.  Affordable health insurance and Medicaid expansion: no.  Protection of collective bargaining rights: no.

There's still much to do:  income inequality is growing, wages are not keeping pace with the economy, and union-busting politicians are on the rise.  So, let's celebrate the men and women who work in the stores, factories, classrooms, and fields, and let's not lose sight of who is on their side and who isn't, and vote accordingly.


  1. Oh Hacky Wacky sure they get. The Republican Party is wholly owned by the Rich and thus their "policies" reflect those priorities.
