The misnamed "Value Voters Summit" is underway, and from speakers Michele "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann screeching about a war on Islam, to Ayn Rand Paul using racial code to call President Obama "uppity," it's a fabulous festival of feces flinging. Of course, when it comes to error-ridden discourse, Alaska's former half-term Governor and full time grifter Sarah "Winky" Palin is hard to top. We believe most people know the most famous address in Washington, D.C., that of the White House: it's 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. But Winky goofed again when shearing the assembled sheep:
"You reload with truth which I know is an endangered species at 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue anyway."In fact, 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue is the site of the historic Willard Hotel, so the only truth that may have been endangered there would have been the number of phony Mr. and Mrs. Joneses registered for weekend trysts.
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