Saturday, September 13, 2014

Packing His Hiking Boots

Former South Carolina Gov. and Appalachian trail hiker Rep. Mark "Gaucho Mark" Sanford's notorious extramarital affair with Argentinian Maria Belen Chapur provided a window into the hypocrisy of Southern God-bothering Republicans.  Gaucho Mark's wife divorced him, he became engaged to his Argentinian mistress, and he won a special election for Congress in South Carolina last year, largely with a message of pious redemption and forgiveness, and the rubes bought it.  If this doesn't show that the Rethuglican base will elect anyone (ax murderer, pedophile, whatever), as long as he / she isn't a Democrat, nothing will.

Now, Gaucho Mark has posted a wordy (2,346 words!) "status update" on his Facebook page, where he mentioned that his engagement with his fiancĂ© was off, and blamed it on the stress of the bitter custody dispute with his ex-wife.  So, adios Maria;  we're sure Gaucho Mark has some lovely parting gifts for you. Oh, and Gaucho Mark is running unopposed for reelection this November, which will make it easier for the Bible-thumping hypocrites in his district to cast their vote for him.  Family values: riiiight.

(photo:  Breaking up is hard to do)

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