Saturday, October 4, 2014

Cannabisness Like This Succeed?

With the legalization of recreational marijuana in Colorado, entrepreneurs have been engaged in the multi-million dollar industry from growing and harvesting, to packaging and sales.  It was only a matter of time when "branding" experts joined the lucrative market.  A report in the New York Times indicates that women are often in the forefront of bringing the product out from the seedy storefronts to more mainstream use, using their advertising, marketing and branding expertise.  Promotional events where specific types of marijuana are paired with foods and beverages are becoming more common (we're trying hard not to introduce a munchies joke).  Weed (sorry) be interested to see if such joint (sorry again) efforts are more than just blowing smoke (ditto), and can move sales beyond their current highs (ok, we'll stop).


  1. This is only allowed because it's lilly white caucasoids imbibing the cannabis. If it were "the blacks" smoking the pot would be reason for them gunned down.

  2. Or wearing a hoodie and carrying a bag of Skittles.
