Friday, October 17, 2014

Dunn Done

Michael Dunn, the Jacksonville, Florida man who shot black high school student Jordan Davis in November 2012 over his playing loud music, was sentenced to life in prison today, after prosecutors declined to seek the death penalty.  Dunn fired 10 shots at the car carrying Davis and other teenagers during an altercation over loud music coming from Davis' car.  Several of the shots were fired as the car that Davis was in tried to flee, undermining Dunn's claim that he fired in self-defense under Florida's infamous "stand your ground" law.

Last year, it was revealed that Dunn had written numerous letters with racist statements during his time in jail awaiting trial.  Here's one of the milder statements, but a particularly revealing one:
"The fear is that we may get a predominately black jury and therefore, unlikely to get a favorable verdict. Sad, but that’s where this country is still at. The good news is that the surrounding counties are predominately white and Republican and supporters of gun rights.”
He got what he deserved and then some.


  1. Darts I thought this might be a memorium on the career of the Big Donkey, Adam Dunn.

  2. Gene -- Dunn's day's done, but his stats live on.
