Wednesday, October 29, 2014

From The Fever Swamps of the Right, Cont'd.

Most wingnuts are content with the goal of imposing their reactionary views on the rest of America (with the exception of neocons, who want to include most of the Middle East).  It's a rare loon who thinks we should adopt the "today America, tomorrow the world" neo-Fascist goal of forcing every government -- even those of democratic nations like Sweden, Brazil, Italy and Germany -- to adopt a close facsimile of our Constitution, by force if necessary.  That rare loon would be Fux contributor and someone who should have his own bullet head examined, "Dr." Keith "Blows"Ablow.  As Steve Benen notes,
"In the 19th century, Americans had a spirited debate about 'manifest destiny' on a continental scale, but Ablow apparently sees no need to stop where the oceans start. Rather, he’s describing 'manifest destiny' on a global scale."
When Blows trotted this lunacy out on Fux and Friends, even the wingnuts on that show were a bit taken aback.  When one commented that the "thesis," ahem, deserved discussion, Blows barked "What's to discuss?"  Jawohl, Doktor Geschosskopf!  Because discussion doesn't belong in the kind of "democracy" that you want to promote abroad, right?

(photo:  When the inmates run the asylum, they appoint their own doctors.)


  1. Silver Spring Bureau Chief (ret.)October 29, 2014 at 4:31:00 PM EDT

    Look where bullet head was born and raised!
