Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Teabagger Extortion In Kansas

Besieged Kansas Republican fossil Sen. Pat "Standing Pat" Roberts is facing the test of his political career this November.  He faces a popular independent, Greg Orman, whose chances of election rose after the Dem candidate dropped out of the race.  Now, Kansas teabaggers are threatening to sit out the election if Roberts doesn't bow to their demands.  Ironically, Roberts is one of the most conservative members of the Senate, but apparently hasn't drunk enough of the radical right-wing teabagger Kool Aid to satisfy the "base."  This, along with the recently defeated Rep. Eric "Cancer" Cantor, is a pointed example of "you reap what you sow": after decades of encouraging increasingly radical thinking by their angry "base," it is establishment Rethug politicians themselves who are endangered.

Orman has committed to caucusing with the party has the majority of seats in the Senate.  Maintaining Dem control of the Senate could hinge on this race.


  1. Since Ronnie Raygun used them to win the presidency and began the plutocrats March the social conservatives, moral majority, tea party have been taking over more and more control of the party.

    The Republican Party thought they were using these rightwing nuts to win elections but the nuts have come to see the GOP as their party and now are pushing out the RINOs the old guard who believed the nuts would be satisfied with platitudes while the country was sold off to the 1%.

  2. Exactly, well put. Just as reliance on the "Southern Strategy" made the Rethugs essentially a regional party in tone and philosophy, the "establishment's" cultivation of radical tea baggers will make it harder to win general elections in the future.
