Friday, October 3, 2014

Willard's Voter "Fraud"

Voter "fraud" has been one of those absolutely false issues that animate the fevered minds of the wingnut right.  It's their way of imagining millions of "them" stealing elections from "real Americans."  In fact, when Dumbya Bush's administration conducted a five-year investigation of voter fraud, they found a grand total of 120 cases, with 86 resulting in conviction.  That's equivalent to every man (and woman and child) in Tensed, Idaho voting fraudulently over a five-year period.  One can see where this is a major national issue requiring a tightening of voter ID laws to exclude minorities, students and elderly Dem voters eliminate rampant!, Rampant! voter fraud.

It's against that background that we found this item via Ed Kilgore about possible third time loser former Rethuglican Presidential candidate Willard "Corporations Are People" Romney so hilarious.  It appears that Willard was registering to vote in Utah, and signed a registration form that had a pre-printed erroneous address for him, which he didn't bother to correct.  That's a misdemeanor in Utah, and a hearty laugh for the rest of us.

(photo: "I'd say 'oops' but that's Rick Perry's line.")

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