Monday, November 3, 2014

It's Why We Call Them Rethuglicans, Homicidal Edition

Trying to prop up carpetbagging centerfold Rethuglican Scott Brown for Senator in New Hampshire has been an arduous struggle, but New Hampshire's Rethuglican Party Chair thinks she has the solution:  crush and drown Democrats.  Here's Chair Jennifer "Horns" Horn whipping up the mouth breathers:
"You are the wave. I need you out there for the next two days, it will not happen without you. This is our time, we need to crush it. We need to crush it. We need to grab it, run with it, push their heads under over and over again until they cannot breathe anymore, until the elections are over on Tuesday night and we’ve won it all!” (emphasis added)
Lovely, isn't she?  There may be no better representation of the reptilian Rethug id -- the rage, the violence and the aggressive nuttery -- than Horns' fantasy for Democrats.

It's why we call them "Rethuglicans" and why they will destroy the country if left unchallenged.

(photo:  Horns letting her freaky fantasies fly.  To our eye, she looks more than a little like "Gladys Kravitz" from "Bewitched", no?)

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