Not content with rigging voting laws to disenfranchise likely Democratic voters and flooding politics with corporate money, Republicans reportedly used bogus Twitter accounts to share information with right-wing political action committees like Turdblossom Rove's "American Crossroads", an apparent violation of campaign laws which prohibit such coordination.
Using codes within these bogus accounts, internal polling data was shared with right-wing super PACs in order to have them target ad funding more effectively. It was only after CNN contacted the National Republican Congressional Committee that the accounts were deleted.
BONUS:'s Charles P. Pierce weighs in:
"This isn't 'rigging the system.' It's tearing the system down and putting in place an entirely new, and vastly corrupt, system of your own. The ratfking here isn't a matter of dodging campaign laws. It's a matter of ignoring them until they become transparently ridiculous and fall of their own carefully engineered impotence. It also has the valuable side effect of making voting itself appear doomed and useless, which has been part of the point all along." (emphasis added)
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