With just two days remaining on a continuing resolution to fund the Federal Government, the Republican House is close to acting on legislation that would allow the Government to operate through the remainder of the fiscal year. But there's at least one large fly in the ointment on the Senate side. Demagogue and ex-Canadian Sen. Ted "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz (R-Secessionland) is prepared to gum up the process in order to
You can be sure that Tailgunner Ted knows his charade only plays to the mouth breathing Neanderthals that make up his base of support, and that funding for the Government will ultimately pass. But he has his sights on 2016, and knows that the Rethuglican Presidential primary voters favor the most radical-right candidates, so he'll fulminate against "illegal aliens" and the "tyrannical" President Obama whenever the cameras are rolling.
(photo: Tailgunner Joe McCarthy, left, and Tailgunner Ted Cruz, peas in a pod)
People are scared, angry and frustrated with their longer work hours and declining wealth. Now, what the Reactionary Republicans figured out years ago was to blame the Government for everything. Look hard working middle class and working class American the problems aren't with dismantling the American Manufacturing Base, tax laws which reward corrupt business and tax inversions schemes or the Military-Industrial-Complex which has stolen Trillions of Dollars into the maw of Warmongers, no the problem is the EPA exists!!!
ReplyDeleteSo, people vote for a Party which shuts down the Government because that's helping them!!!
It's reminiscent of the signs carried by elderly Tea Party demonstrators: "Keep the Government Out of My Medicare." Thanks for the comments, G_e_G.