Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Jebby's Immigration Bind

Former Florida Governor and Dumbya's smarter brother John Ellis "J.E.B." Bush is the great white hope of the Rethug elites, the moneyed wing of the Republican / New Confederate / Stupid Party that is trying to keep the mouth breathers of the teabagger base at bay.  Although his dim brother succeeded in nearly bankrupting the nation and embroiling us in a war in Iraq based on a tissue of lies and cherry-picked data, those elites know that amnesia afflicts tens of millions of voting Americans, so, hey, "why not Jebby?"

Sadly for him, he would still need to make it through the Rethug primaries, which are front-loaded with Bible-thumping, xenophobic, low-information teatards who think brother Dumbya wasn't conservative enough, and who think Jebby is a lite version of President Obama on an issue that riles them up:  immigration.  So Jebby is trying to thread the needle of appealing to the mouth breathers while not alienating the increasingly important Hispanic vote.  It's not working.

There are so many reasons not to take Jebby seriously as a Presidential candidate, and this may be the least of them.

(photo:  Dumb and Dumbya)

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