Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Quotes Of The Day - Barney Frank Edition

The always insightful, never dull former Rep. Barney Frank has a lot to say in an interview with Reuters excerpted at Raw Story.  Here are a few lines that caught our eye (but it's a detailed, wide-ranging interview that merits a full read):

On President Obama:
I was worried when he said in 2008 he was going to be post-partisan. It gave me post-partisan depression.
On Sen. "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz's Presidential chances:
God is not that much of a Democrat for Ted Cruz to get nominated. 
On the public's complaining about Congress (but then don't get their asses to the polls):
It’s interesting that the institution the public values the least is the one in which they have the greatest input in selecting: Congress. 
Of course, there's much, much more from Frank about politics, the "cromnibus" appropriations bill that weakened one part of the Dodd-Frank reform act, the financial collapse of 2008, marriage equality, and the media (including an interesting critique of two of our favorites, Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert - oh, well).


  1. Thanks for that! I don't think Barney's watched enough Stewart or Colbert - they've each had on good guys and bad guys. And I thought they have each, in his own way, made points for good government programs. But maybe that is my own bias... P.E.C.

  2. Barney's one of our favorites, and can always be counted on to tell it straight. I agree, though, he was a little harsh on Stewart and Colbert. Thanks, Ms. Cake!
