In what we expect will be a continuing series of "What you get when you don't vote" posts in the coming months,
there's this item:
Oil, gas and coal interests that spent millions to help elect Republicans this year are moving to take advantage of expanded GOP power in Washington and state capitals to thwart Obama administration environmental rules.
Industry lobbyists made their pitch in private meetings last week with dozens of state legislators at a summit of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), an industry-financed conservative state policy group.
The lobbyists and legislators considered several model bills to be introduced across the country next year, designed to give states more power to block or delay new Obama administration environmental standards, including new limits on power-plant emissions.
A small but active minority of far-right, knuckle-dragging Republican voters got to the polls all over the country last November. Our voters didn't. Here's one result of many to come, we fear.
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