Wednesday, December 3, 2014

You Can't Fix Stupid, Fux & Friends Edition

This is one of those "editions" that could be a daily feature of ours with the dolts at Fux and Friends. They're a continual source of stupidity mixed with malevolence (notably mocked in numerous Saturday Night Live skits).  The latest nonsense to spew forth was in this morning's rambling discussion about the lack of civics knowledge among our high school kids.  That led to the nitwits at F&F to support the idea that voters should be given tests before being allowed to vote.  As most people who stayed awake in American History class would remember, that's what Jim Crow was all about in the South:  poll taxes, literacy tests for blacks, and other suppression tactics.  Media Matters has the goods on Fux's Three Stooges here.  Perhaps they should be required to pass a test on American History, and specifically Reconstruction and Jim Crow, before being allowed back on the air.

(photo:  Nyuk nyuk nyuk)

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