Saturday, January 17, 2015

Liam Neeson States Facts, Gun Dolts Enraged

Here's what it's come to in today's Ammo-America.  Irish actor Liam Neeson, star of the "Taken" movies, recently offered his opinion on the fact that there's a gun for nearly every man, woman and child in America:
“There’s too many f—ing guns out there. Especially in America,” he remarked. “I think the population is like, 320 million? There’s over 300 million guns. Privately owned, in America. I think it’s a f—ing disgrace. Every week now we’re picking up a newspaper and seeing, ‘Yet another few kids have been killed in schools.’”
Of course, this sparked self-righteous outrage by the death merchants who provided some of Neeson's weapons in the latest "Taken" film.  Here's the Facebook reaction of the small-bore brains at PARA USA, a North Carolina firearms company:
“While the film itself is entertaining, comments made by its Irish-born star during press junkets reflect a cultural and factual ignorance that undermines support of the Second Amendment and American liberties,” the company said.

“We will no longer provide firearms for use in films starring Liam Neeson and ask that our friends and partners in Hollywood refrain from associating our brand and products with his projects. Further, we encourage our partners and friends in the firearms industry to do the same.”
Ooooh, someone's fee-fees were hurt!  So sad.

"Second Amendment and American liberties" to this over-compensating demographic of gun-fondlers are totemic words that trump the right of a child to live a full life.  They trump the right of Americans to feel safe from random gun violence in their communities and their homes. They trump everything because to them there's nothing that makes them happier than their blood money -- oh, and a warm gun.  Bang bang, shoot shoot.

(h/t Raw Story)

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