Monday, January 12, 2015

Two Stories Behind The Paris Attacks

The usual Islamophobic suspects are using the terrorist attacks in France as another opportunity to stoke religious bigotry against the vast majority of Muslims worldwide who reject the radical jihadists that have hijacked their religion for political ends.  Against that narrative is the fact that one of the Paris police officers murdered defending the Charlie Hebdo office was a Muslim, Ahmed Merabet.  His brother made a tearful plea for unity against anti-Muslim and anti-Semite bigots:
“I address myself now to all the racists, Islamophobes and anti-Semites that one must not confuse extremists with Muslims.  Mad people have neither color nor religion.”
Also revealed was the fact that a Muslim clerk in the Paris kosher supermarket, Lassana Bathily, hid 15 of the store's customers in a storage area, likely saving their lives.

As the story at the link indicates, the owner of the Fux disinformation enterprise and moral dumpster fire Rupert "Aargh" Murdoch seems to think all Muslims need to be accountable for not stopping the radical, murderous jihadists among them.  Actually, it's far less of a stretch to argue that Aargh and his wingnut operation should be held accountable, say, for when a right-wing extremist fire bombs an NAACP office, or when "Christian" sovereign citizens murder cops, or deadbeats refuse to pay Federal grazing fees because they reject gummint.  What's Aargh done lately to take responsibility?

BONUS:  J.K. Rowling had a great response to Aargh Murdoch.  Also, these.

BONUS II:  The UK's conservative Prime Minister David Cameron calls out a Fux "analyst" as a "complete idiot" for comments about Birmingham, England being under virtual siege by Muslims.

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