Thursday, February 19, 2015

Bill O'Reilly: Armchair Warrior

Fux Network blowhard and man-prone-to-obscene-outbursts Bill "O'Liely" O'Reilly has decided "the holy war begins…the holy war is here" when it comes to combatting the ISIS terrorists.  As a practical matter, O'Liely is actually endorsing ISIS' recruitment message, giving their theocratic paranoia credence by claiming non-Muslims need to engage Muslims in this bogus "war".   Well done, pinhead.

As is true with most right-wing chicken hawks, O'Liely's career kept him out of uniform and far from the horrors of war.  We can expect in any future war -- holy or mundane -- we'll find O'Liely comfortably ensconced in front of Rupert "Aargh" Murdoch's microphone urging others into battles that he won't fight himself.

UPDATE:  Chris Hayes sums it up best:
"Can you imagine anything ISIS wants more than a Christian-identified army lining up from Christendom against them? It only feeds their claim that they represent Islam and a holy war against the rest, a narrative that helps recruitment and radicalization, and gives oxygen to the very fire we are trying to snuff out."