Monday, February 23, 2015

Bill O'Reilly: Armchair Warrior, Cont'd.

The Fux Channel's rageaholic buffoon Bill "O'Lielly" O'Reilly is facing accusations from former colleagues at CBS that he lied about his experience in Argentina during the Falklands War.  Former CBS correspondents Eric Engberg and Charles Krause are saying that O'Lielly lied when he said he was in a "war zone" while covering the war, rather spending his time in Buenos Aires a thousand miles from the conflict.  As Krause said to Media Matters: 
"I don't recall him doing any major story that anybody remembers and he was there a very short time, then he was recalled, I don't know why.  He wasn't a team player and people thought he was grandstanding, basically."
Grandstanding?  O'Lielly?  Could have knocked us over with a loofah feather.  Apparently, there's more to come, as several other CBS reporters and staffers are refuting O'Lielly's puffery.  Time to take him down.

UPDATE:  Now Bully Boy Bill is threatening a female reporter. Someone please clean his clock.

(photo:  O'Lielly feels pain from his "war wounds.")


  1. O'Lielly figured if he yelled enough mother Jones and progressives would back down. RightWingers swarmed media matters, mother Jones and many liberal blogs in an effort to shout down the revelations of Bill - Os rabid lies and Stolen Valor. It didn't work and now more evidence and revelations will show what a despicable buffoon O'Lielly has been throughout his entire career.

  2. He's using the right-wing tactic of never explain, never apologize….just attack. And attack in the most scurrilous, dishonest way.
