This about sums it up:
"The White House is trying to negotiate a solution to a critical international security issue. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani appears to be trying to do the same. Time will tell. But both sides are talking, and that has been a step in the right direction. The problem is that ideological extremists want to undermine any effort at a peaceful resolution. Ideological extremists in Iran and Israel and in the United States." (emphasis added)The Bibi and Boehner show is a reflection of the alliance between the Rethuglican/New Confederate/Stupid Party and Israel's far-right Likud Party, whose aim appears to be not only the eventual incorporation of much of the West Bank into Israel, but driving the U.S. to proxy wars in the Middle East (Syria and Iran being the most prominent targets). It explains why the Israeli "ambassador" to the U.S. is little more than a former Republican political operative from Florida, and why Bibi "Bibi Bomb Bomb" Netanyahu isn't a trustworthy partner for peace in that region.
UPDATE: Weeper of the House John "Mr. Tangerine Man" Boehner is making sure empty Dem seats will be filled by interns and staffers when Bibi Bomb Bomb makes his fire and brimstone speech.
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