Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Tangerine Man's Dangerous Hubris

Weeper of the House John "Mr. Tangerine Man" Boehner has clearly set course to collide with the President on policy toward Iran and Israel.  Likely egged on by powerful contributors ** cough Smelly Shelly Adelson cough** and by the rapture caucus in his own party, the weeping one has been put on the defensive as criticism of his invitation to Israel's Prime Minister Bibi "Bibi Bomb Bomb" Netanyahu to address Congress has spread from the U.S. to Israel.  When asked by a mildly incredulous Chris Wallace on Fux about why he went behind the White House's back to arrange Bibi Bomb Bomb's appearance, Mr. Tangerine Man replied,
"...I wanted to make sure that there was no interference."
The contempt for President Obama isn't anything new for Boehner;  it's the contempt for the office of the President and his Constitutional obligation to conduct foreign policy that's stunning and unprecedented.  Of course, in the next breath, Mr. Tangerine Man will be bloviating about defending the Constitution, as he bows to a foreign politician's wish to intrude into domestic politics.

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