Saturday, February 14, 2015

Today's Dispatches From The Stupid Party

Sed quia ipsa loquitur (h/t TPM):
Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) confused the Nigerian terrorist group Boko Haram with a mid-sized Florida city during an appearance Tuesday on CNN, the Sun Sentinel newspaper in Florida reported Wednesday. 
Gosar said that if the U.S. were to pay ransom to terrorists, then "every American citizen traveling abroad becomes a subject in regard for kidnapping and then the plight of how much money has been captivated in the Boca Raton group."
In addition to being geographically challenged, chew on Gosar's word salad in that last paragraph.  "... the plight of how much money has been captivated...?"  That's some Sarah Palin quality word-smithing right there.

According to our intelligence sources, here's what the "Boca Raton group" might look like:

What an idiot.

But Gosar's not alone!  Here's a helpful roundup of recent foot- in- mouth- disease outbreaks from probable Republican/ New Confederate/ Stupid Party presidential contenders.  As it is said, "The stupid, it burns."

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