Thursday, March 12, 2015

Cotton's Ghost Writers?

It's probably no coincidence that not long after Bibi "Bomb Bomb" Netanyahu (R-West Jerusalem) finished his U.S. campaign tour that a letter to the Ayatollah was drafted and sent by 47 traitors Rethuglican yahoos in an attempt to scuttle the multi-national diplomatic negotiations to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.  It wouldn't surprise us in the least if the letter was drafted by Likudniks (U.S. or Israeli) and provided to Arkansas' rookie Senator and Middle East war enthusiast Sen. Tom "Ear to Ear" Cotton to round up signatures.  Why?  Could it be that Cotton, who has a strong financial incentive, courtesy of well-heeled Likudnik / neocon money men who are funding his political career, wants to keep the gravy train going?  No question, although we believe those same Likudniks / neocons could have had the fanatic Senator from Arkansas for a much lower price.

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