Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Israel Goes To The Polls

Today is election day in Israel, when Israelis decide whether a fourth term of Likudnik Bibi "Bomb Bomb" Netanyahu is in their country's best interest.  Netanyahu has pulled out all of the stops in encouraging the most rabid elements of Israel's right to turn out, including a pledge that there won't be progress toward a Palestinian state on his watch.

Interestingly -- and ominously for Bibi Bomb Bomb -- we have this report in Haaretz indicating that Arab Israelis (who make up 21% of Israel's population) are turning out in large numbers, and are likely voting for the opposition Zionist Union or other center/left parties.  However, given the horse-trading nature of parliamentary government, where governing coalitions are often made up of strange bedfellows, Bibi Bomb Bomb's ouster isn't certain, even if the Likud Party loses seats.  Stay tuned.

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