Sunday, March 15, 2015

Scottie's Excellent New Hampshire Adventure

Apparently thinking that he has what it takes to be President, Wisconsin Governor and Koch Industries' Employee of the Year Scott "Koch Head" Walker is spending this weekend campaigning in the early primary state of New Hampshire.  After being called out last week on his worshipful account about holding the family bible of Rethug demigod St. Ronnie of Hollywood, Koch Head was no doubt hoping that his foray into New Hampshire would go smoothly.  Speaking to friendly audiences of wingnuts, Koch Head nevertheless gave opponents some rich material to use in the primaries, including a comparison of ISIS to a computer virus.  Paging Norton Antivirus, paging Norton Antivirus!

To say that this hack isn't ready for prime time is like saying elephant dung isn't ready to be served as a main course in American restaurants.

(photo:  Was he separated from his Cub Scout troop?)

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